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Delivering Quality Learning Experiences for All

Written by Andrew Hermalyn | August 14, 2023

This is the second in our series of leadership insights connected to our 2022 Transparency & Outcomes Report, which contextualize the importance of the data we've published and how we’re activating on our findings into the future.


As the President of Partnerships at 2U, I have spent the past 15 years helping to support universities in scaling their mission and expanding their reach to learners across the globe. Throughout this time, it has become clear that today's learners are experiencing a vastly different educational landscape compared to those of past decades. This shift is not a passing trend; it represents the new norm, demanding a fundamental reevaluation of our approach to higher education.

In our rapidly changing world, 38% of students are now tasked with navigating the intricate balance between work and part-time studies. Additionally, 22% of learners juggle the responsibilities of parenthood alongside their educational pursuits. These statistics highlight a shifting paradigm that necessitates an innovative and transformative response.

While declining traditional enrollment rates may be viewed as evidence of a 'broken' system, we see it as a call to action—a call for reform and the exploration of new frontiers. The demand is clear: learners seek an education that offers flexibility, affordability, and on-demand accessibility, without compromising the academic rigor that has made nonprofit universities trailblazers in global thought leadership.

Together with our partners, we aim to meet learners at every stage of their life journey. We have carefully curated a diverse portfolio of courses and programs, ranging from free-to-degree options to stackable pathways that enable learners to gradually build toward a full master's or bachelor's degree. Additionally, we have expanded our repertoire of alternative credentials, including boot camps and executive education courses, to meet the evolving needs of learners.

Looking outside of the report and ahead to 2023, we are committed to addressing the ever-changing desires of learners by providing access to innovative and highly sought-after content. A powerful example of our dedication can be found in the field of AI, which is advancing at an unprecedented pace. We have rapidly launched an extensive range of AI offerings, including an AI MicroBootCamp in collaboration with 12 of our university partners and a new AI master’s program, meticulously crafted by expert faculty members from UT Austin priced at $10K. 

2U and our valued partners are playing a pivotal role in fortifying the global workforce, addressing the pressing need for AI talent across a variety of industries and skill levels. Our vast array of AI content caters to a broad spectrum of learners, ranging from those seeking an entry-level understanding to those pursuing advanced graduate degrees. By providing the latest AI skills through multiple pathways, we’re empowering both employers and employees to seize the opportunity this field has to offer.

This reimagining of higher education is not a reactionary measure; it is a proactive commitment to preserving education's pivotal role in facilitating social mobility and driving global progress. Through these groundbreaking initiatives, we aim to reimagine higher education, ensuring its continued accessibility, relevance, and transformative impact on individual lives and our collective future.


Check out more from our insight series from Brad Adams, Chief University Operations Officer.